Donate Supplies
Needed Items
- Gift Cards (Chewy, Amazon, Walmart, Hollywood Feed, Tomlinson’s, Tractor Supply)
- Dry Food (See Chewy Wishlist — We use their brand) — other brands are accepted to feed feral cats and to give to people who feed feral cats.
- Litter (Horse Pine Pellets from Tractor Supply, or Scoop Free Crystals — blue or purple)
- Cat toys and Star Chaser lighted ball replacements
- Clorox Wipes, Odoban (Home Depot — Fresh Linen) , Swiffer Wet Pads
- Scented Tall Kitchen Bags and 33 Gallon Flex
- The Ultimate Scratching Post (Amazon, Chewy, other)
- Greenies Treats — all flavors
- Cat Collars (breakaway or stretchy Velcro)
- Pee Pads (any size)
- Flea Medications (Bravecto, Revolution Plus, Wondercide Flea and Tick spray)
- Baby Quilts (Winnie the Pooh and anything colorful or animal print — used as toppers for cat beds)
- Items for Raffle Baskets or Auction — Art, cat and non-cat themed items, collectibles, bottles of wine.
We gladly accept purchases from our Amazon and Chewy wishlists.
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